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Advanced Polishing Techniques


Advanced polishing techniques for Ti Sapphire crystals have been developed to overcome the limitations of basic polishing techniques. These advanced techniques include magnetorheological finishing (MRF), chemical mechanical polishing (CMP), and plasma-assisted polishing (PAP).

This blog will discuss the principles and applications of these advanced polishing techniques.

polishing techniques

Magnetorheological Finishing

Magnetorheological finishing is a polishing technique that uses a magnetorheological (MR) fluid to remove material from the crystal surface. The MR fluid consists of magnetically responsive particles suspended in a carrier fluid, such as water or oil.

During MRF, the crystal is placed in contact with a polishing tool, such as a rigid or flexible pad, coated with the MR fluid. A magnetic field is applied to the fluid, causing the particles to align and form a stiff, abrasive matrix. The matrix removes material from the crystal surface, creating a smooth, flat surface.

MRF is a highly controlled polishing technique that precisely controls the polishing rate and surface finish. It can produce highly polished surfaces with minimal surface damage and is suitable for polishing complex shapes and curved surfaces.

Chemical Mechanical Polishing

Chemical mechanical polishing is a hybrid polishing technique that combines the chemical action of etchants with the mechanical action of polishing pads. The process involves using a slurry containing abrasive particles, a chemical etchant, and a polishing agent to remove material from the crystal surface.

During CMP, the crystal is placed in contact with a rotating polishing pad coated with the slurry. The slurry removes material from the crystal surface, while the polishing pad provides a mechanical force to remove material. The chemical etchant in the slurry reacts with the crystal surface, removing material and creating a smooth surface.

CMP is a highly controlled polishing technique that precisely controls the polishing rate and surface finish. It can produce highly polished surfaces with minimal surface damage and is suitable for polishing complex shapes and curved surfaces.

Plasma-Assisted Polishing

Plasma-assisted polishing is a polishing technique that uses a low-pressure plasma to assist in material removal. The process involves placing the crystal in a vacuum chamber and exposing it to a low-pressure plasma. 

The plasma creates reactive species, such as ions and radicals, which react with the crystal surface, removing material and creating a smooth surface. The plasma can be generated using various methods, including radio-frequency (RF) discharge, microwave discharge, and direct current (DC) discharge. 

Plasma-assisted polishing is a highly controlled polishing technique that precisely controls the polishing rate and surface finish. It can produce highly polished surfaces with minimal surface damage and is suitable for polishing complex shapes and curved surfaces.

Ti Sapphire crystals laser crylink


In conclusion, advanced polishing techniques, including magnetorheological finishing, chemical mechanical polishing, and plasma-assisted polishing, have been developed to overcome the limitations of basic polishing techniques for Ti Sapphire crystals. These techniques allow for highly controlled polishing rates and surface finishes and produce highly polished surfaces with minimal surface damage. The choice of polishing technique depends on several factors, including the desired surface finish, the level of surface damage, and the available resources. The next chapter will discuss the methods used to evaluate the surface quality and mitigate polishing-induced damage.

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Picture of Jackie Dong

Jackie Dong

In photonic crystals, nanophotonics, negative refraction media, surface plasma optics, nonlinear optics and quantum optics, he has made many innovative achievements in theoretical and experimental research on electromaanetic field problems.

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