Ti3+:sapphire crystals (Titanium-doped sapphire) as an optically pumped, solid-state laser crystal is widely used in wavelength-tunable lasers.
Ti:Sapphire laser’s tunable range is 650-1100nm, and peaking at 800nm. It is one of the broadest wavelength-tunable laser crystals. The upper-state lifetime of Ti: sapphire is short to 3.2μs.
Because of the high saturation power, it’s hard to pump it by the lamp. Argon ion lasers, frequency-doubled Nd: YAG laser, etc., are usually adapted. Using self-mode-locking technology, the Ti: Sapphire laser can output laser pulse with pulse width as short as 6.5fs directly, the narrowest laser pulse of all lasers that directly output from the resonant cavity. The laser beam’s wavelength can cover broadband from blue to deep ultraviolet through frequency-double technology. Produced 193 nm laser has been used in lithography machine.
(1) Ti: Sapphire Crystal for 780nm Laser
Pump Laser:532nm/10- 20kHz/25W/20ns;
Coating: AR@532nm &780nm &980nm,R<0.5%,Damage threshold up to 750MW/cm2.
(2) Ti: Sapphire Crystal — Brewster Angle Cut, Φ4*20mm
Parallel double brewster angle: 60.4 ° ± 0.5 ° ,
Size: Φ4(±0.1)*20(+0.5/-0.1)mm,
Absorption coefficient: 2.3cm-1, transmittance: 1%;
(3) Ti: Sapphire Crystal for 671nm & 729nm & 800nm Laser
Size: φ6×15 mm
Ti doped: 0.2wt% (absorption coefficient 1.4 cm-1@532nm)
Orientation: Brewster cut
(4) Ti:Sapphire Crystal — Brewster Angle Cut
Size: 3×6×7 mm;
3×7 double-sided Brewster cut;
Laser polishing
(5) Ti:Sapphire Crystal — Brewster Angle Cut
Size: Φ4×15mm;
Broad Band AR coated at 670 to 800nm, R<0.5%
(6) Ti:Sapphire Crystal — Brewster Angle Cut
Size: 3*3*20mm;
Brewster Angle Cut
The Cutting Process of Ti:Sapphire Crystal — 2020/12/21— CRYLINK
- Wide wavelength tunability
- Broad absorption pump band
- Preeminent output efficiency
- Short upper-state lifetime(3.2 μs)
- Narrow locked mode width
- High damage thresholdExcellent thermal conductivity
Large Ti-doped sapphire single crystals grown by the kyropoulos technique for petawatt power laser application Optical Materials Volume 61, November 2016, Pages 21-24 |
Luminescence and coloration of undoped and Ti-doped sapphire crystals grown by Czochralski technique Journal of Luminescence Volume 169, Part B, January 2016, Pages 516-519 |
Large Ti doped sapphire bulk crystal for high power laser applications Optical Materials Volume 36, Issue 12, October 2014, Pages 2004-2006 |
Characteristics of Ti doped sapphire for fluorescence thermo-sensor International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems 2007 Oct. 17-20, 2007 in COEX, Seoul, Korea |
Synchronization of a femtosecond modelocked Ti:sapphire laser to the Stanford SCA FEL Optics Communications Volume 115, Issues 1–2, 1 March 1995, Pages 87-92 |
Generation of Sub-10fs Pulses with Repetition Rate of 1.1 GHz from Ti:Sapphire Oscillator 2009 Conference on Lasers & Electro Optics & The Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics |
Ti:sapphire crystal used in ultrafast lasers and amplifiers Journal of Crystal Growth 261 (2004) 514–519 |
Noncollinear optical parametric amplification in lithium triborate seeded by a cw Ti:sapphire laser Optics & Laser Technology 36 (2004) 309-314 |
Fragmentation of the gold nanoparticles using femtosecond Ti:Sapphire laser and their structural evolution Optics & Laser Technology 49 (2013) 156–160 |
Cladding waveguide splitters fabricated by femtosecond laser inscription in Ti:Sapphire crystal Optics and Laser Technology 103 (2018) 82–88 |
Wettability analysis of laser deposited Ti:Sapphire Applied Surface Science 208-209(2003) 651-657 |
Wavelength dependence of harmonic generation efficiency at metal surfaces induced by femtosecond Ti :sapphire laser pulses Optics Communications 132(1996) 289-294 |
Thermal effects in laser pumped Kerr-lens modelocked Ti:sapphire lasers Optics Communications 132(1997) 150-159 |
50% frequency doubling efficiency of 1.2-W cw Ti:sapphire laser at 746 nm Optics Communications 217(2003) 311-315 |
1.25-MW peak-power Kerr-lens mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser with a broadband semiconductor saturable-absorber mirror Optics Communications 183(2000) 159-163 |
Stable multipulse generation from a self-mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser Optics Communications 157(1998) 128-134 |
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Materials | Ti3+:Al2O3 |
Concentration | (0.05~0.35) wt% |
Orientation | A-Axis within 5°,E-vector parallel to C-Axis |
Parallelism | 30〞 |
Perpendicularity | 5ˊ |
Figure of Merit(FOM) | 100~300 |
Wavefront Distortion | <λ /4@632 nm |
Surface Flatness | <λ/8@632 nm |
Clear Aperture | >90% |
Surface Quality | 10-5(MIL-PRF-13830B) |
Coatings | Standard coating is AR with R < 5.0% each |
face @532 nm and R < 0.5% each face, | |
from 650 nm to 850 nm. Custom coatings | |
Chamfer | <0.2×45° |
Crystal Structure | Hexagonal |
Density | 3.98 g/cm3 |
Melting Point | 2040 °C |
Thermal Conductivity | 33 W / (m K) |
Temperature dependence of refractive index | 13 × 10−6K−1 |
Thermal shock resistance parameter | 790 W/m |
Thermal Expansion | ≈ 5 × 10-6K-1 |
Hardness (Mohs) | 9 |
Young`s Modulus /GPa | 335 |
Specific heat | 0.1 cal/g |
Tensile Strength/Mpa | 400 |
Diameter | 4-12mm |
Ti density for 0.1% at. doping | 4.56 × 1019cm−3 |
Laser Transition | F3/2→F1/2 |
Fluorescence emission wavelength range | 600-1200 nm |
Peak emission wavelength | ~780 nm |
Center | 800 nm |
Tunable Absorption Band | 400-600 nm |
Absorption Peak | 488 nm |
Peak stimulated emission cross-section: parallel to the c-axis | 4.1×10-19cm2 |
Peak stimulated emission cross-section: perpendicular to the c-axis | 2.0×10-19cm2 |
Stimulated emission cross-section at 795 nm | 2.8×10-19cm2 |
Saturation flux at 795 nm | Es=0.9J/cm2 |
Fluorescence Lifetime | 3.2 μs |
Emission Line Width | 650-1100 nm |
Refractive Index | 1.77@ 532 nm; 1.76@800 nm; 1.75@1100 nm |
Absorption Coefficient | 0.8~7.0 cm-1 |
Damage threshold (10ns, 1064nm) | 10J/cm2 |